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Auteur : The LOOP team


One Speaker/One Poem: Jeremy Elprin on John Keats

Jeremy Elprin (Université de Caen Normandie) will be presenting John Keats’s poem “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”. The session will be moderated by Marc Porée You can now watch the presentation online: On...

Spurts by Stan McEwan 0

Spurts by Stan McEwan

Our colleague and fellow Loop member Andrew McKeown is publishing a new novel under the alias Stan McEwan. It is available online and at Charivari Disquaire, 12 rue des Vieilles Boucheries, 86000 Poitiers, where...


The Ravens of Vienna by Adrian Grafe

The Ravens of Vienna is a gripping, fast-paced thriller with a strong moral center, highlighting the (not very well-known) resistance in Vienna as well as the range of responses to Nazi domination. Felix Lichtblau, Kristina...