A brief account of our first Loop Day March 10, 2022
The inaugural Loop day took place at the University of Artois on Thursday 10th March 2022.
It brought together poetry people from all points of the compass— from Marseilles to Paris, Poitiers to Dijon. Gathering in the early spring sunshine, the happy Loopers opened proceedings with a discussion of new voices in English verse, including our very own Loop poet Stephen Romer. This was followed by a round table analysis of Ben Lerner’s thought-provoking essay ‘The Hatred of Poetry’. Post meridian/prandial, we delved into poetry and the arts—visual and musical— and concluded the day’s business with a collaborative poetry writing workshop.
The gathering was poetical, at times fanciful—thanks in part to a short film of Ivor Cutler’s off beat poetising—but above all it was thoroughly convivial, an opportunity for those with a taste for poetry to band together.
We look forward to growing the group in time for next year’s Loop Day.
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The LOOP team (11 avril 2022). A brief account of our first Loop Day March 10, 2022. LOOP. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/r0lf
I loved this event. Everyone was so engaged, all through the day, and I discovered several poets I would never otherwise have read. Thanks, Adrian!