Poems and translations by Stephen Romer and Fiona Sampson

Poets Stephen Romer and Fiona Sampson will do us the honour of reading at our LOOP inaugural meeting on Zoom on Staurday 20th November at 10.00 (French time). Here are three of the poems that will be read. Stephen’s poems have been translated into French by Gilles Ortlieb and Antoine Jaccottet. Anyone interested in giving a go at translating Fiona’s poem is welcome to do so in the comment section!
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
The LOOP team (4 novembre 2021). Poems and translations by Stephen Romer and Fiona Sampson. LOOP. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/r0l6
Et dans le soir les rossignols
chantent inlassablement
la forêt qui s’étend
à l’infini derrière la clôture